Monthly Archives: November 2015

Admin Admin Podcast #034 Show Notes – Clustering

We finally got to meet at Oggcamp 2015:

2015 - 1-2

Al Has been having fun with a Windows cluster not starting

Jerry has a new job and been doing the following Stuff:

  • Crash course in AWS
  • Terraform – A way of coding an AWS (or other provider) configuration.
  • Tweaking vim
    Nerd Tree
    Vim plugins
    -Learning keyboard shortcuts(!)
  • Got a Mac! The keys are in different places …

Andy been given a Dell poweredge 6650 and playing with freenas

Jon ‘The Nice Guy’ Spriggs, Oggcamp hero tells us about a dd alternative : dcfldd. Jerry agrees it is indeed an improvment over the standard dd command.

Jerry’s rucksack, in case anyone is interested 🙂

Photos from Andy Latest Job:

swirch1switch22015 - 1 (1)



Admin Admin Podcast #033 Show notes – The Pigeon Pigeon episode

33 is the atomic number of arsenic

Jerry has a new job and been looking at Sensu, a new monitoring system.
Also, a really good talk by Andy Sykes, on Stop using Nagios let it die peacefully – Talk

Al went to UCDay. Exchange 2016 does not support Exchange 2007 in coexisting deployment and Office 2016 does not connect to mailbox hosted on a exchange 2007 server.

Exchange Pro Podcast – The new Podcast about exchange Al has found about.

Andy has been battling with printers again and ask about LPR and SNMP, HPR episode – Turning an old printer into a network printer.

Andy error message he getting in virtual box:

Failed to open a session for the virtual machine
Result Code:
E_FAIL (0x80004005)
IConsole {8ab7c520-2442-4b66-8d74-4ff1e195d2b6}

The Admin Admin Logo andy was talking about:


A Listener emails in ask how we recommend getting in the IT industry, Jerry recommends do some freelancing,getting VPS and do some on line training (, and CBT Nuggets). Al recommends picking a topic and researching on Youtube.  Use GSN3 if you want to learn Cisco network,

The picture of the shared comms room was working in:


How to back IOS image on a cisco router using TFTPD32

Al has issue with expanding datastores in vmware (need find link)

Al ask jerry what Tmux is?

Pigeon Racing